We were very excited to hold an event at brand new venue The Real Ale Classroom on Rutland Street. The venue is managed by Nuala who is a friend and staff member so we have been eagerly awaiting a chance to try it out. The downstairs venue is intermate but the PA is great.
Unglam band Miss Kicks opened the event with their self descripted ‘Indie Kitchen Sink Music’ Miss Kicks are quite new to gigging so they did a great job with their 30 minute set getting the audience warmed up.
Black Annis blew us all away with their 40 minutes set. To talk to them both, they are the loveliest people but up them on stage and they are wicked little demons! I should have guessed this from their handle – BlackAnnis666! The vocals were amazing and since the drumkit was on stage at an angle, it made watching Les’s superb drumming an absolute pleasure.
Instagram @blackannis666
Facebook @BlackAnnis666
Headliners; The Shotts played a 90’s Indie vibe set with a mixture of covers and originals. It was obvious that these guys love to play with each other, their interactions the harmonising was great.